Memorial service of swami Anandmoy Giri Ji was conducted at Delhi kendra on Sunday, September 25, 2016 by Sw. Lalitananda Ji.
It was a solemn occasion and devotees either meditated or watched the ceremoney quietly with reverence.
During the ceremoney swami ji emphasized that it was not an occassion to feel sad or be sorrowful rather an opportunity to offer our heartfelt prayers of goodwill and peace to the soul which has progressed to a higher realm.
While reminiscing his own ineractions with Swami Anandmoy Ji, Sw. lalitananda ji said that he received his 1st blessing from Sw. Anandamoy ji as a devotee during his Kriya initiation ceremoney which was conducted by him. Later on after joining the monastics order he met him on several occasions and worked in the same area of speciality at Ranchi which Sw. Anandamoy ji had at SRF.
A couple of devotees narrated their own experiences with Swami ji. Swami ji's wit and sense of humour came for special mention.Though devotees mentioned his mischevious but benign smile and fun loving nature they also vouchsafed that his eyes held abundant compassion and love.He seemed to understand the needs of all those around him and took extra effort to attend to them.
While mentioning specific incidents from their interactions with swami ji devotees described him as somebody who seemed to know everything-- the past and the future but yet struck a normal posture. Though very insightful yet he was not critical of others
and made every body comfortable with his down to earth approach. His mere touch could send devotees into a state of bliss.
Such was his spiritual stature, and very very humble indeed.
After the devotees had shared their experiences, swami ji held a short meditation and sang a chant followed by closing prayer.
Prasad was dstributed by swami ji to all the devotees after ceremoney. Around 240 devotees attended the ceremoney.