Swami Lalitanandaji speaks at Power Managaement Institute of NTPC

'Unleashing Our Inner Potential For Achieving Success Through Yoga And Meditation'

Swami Lalitanandaji spoke on the above topic at the Power Management Institute, NTPC, Noida on 2nd May.

Swamiji, after appreciating the NTPC for the important part the organization is playing in the field of power generation, called the attention of the audience to the topic of discussion. He showed how the topic was appropriate to be discussed in the venue of an organization which is generating and distributing power through their power plants successfully.

He lucidly presented the subject by drawing a parallelism between the two processes: one, the generation of power and transmitting it, by using scientific technology, for successful consumption bythe end users, as done by the NTPC. Two, the development of internal power within man using the science of Yoga and meditation and making one’slife a success.  

He went on to explain the analogical similarity of the generation and transmission of electricity through a power plant, and the unleashing of the inner potentials inherent in the human mind. The power plants are the human body and mind. The inner potential is the potential thermal energy inherent in the raw materials used in energy generation. The scientific technology corresponds to Yoga and Meditation. The inner potential that is released corresponds to the thermal energy that is generated in a power plant.  

Swamiji went on to show how the power of concentration is the basic need for the development of all inner powers and how the Yogoda Techniques of Concentration and Meditation develop this power. He used appropriate quotations from Guruji’s writings, to establish the fact that man has within himself, untold power waiting to be unleashed. And how this power can be brought out, and used for attaining success in life, by the proper use of the God given gifts of Will and Visualization.  

Swamiji showed how the latest discoveries by mental scientists have corroborated the teachings of Sri Sri Paramahansa Yoganandaji which was given 70 years before in his famous book, Autobiography of a Yogi. How it is now an established fact that the state of consciousness is interlinked with the rate of breathing, which was known to Yogis of ancient times. And how the ancient Rishis and Yogis of ancient India knew the precise art of controlling the breathing process and produce the required brain waves which result in one pointed concentration and other altered states of expansion of consciousness.

He also explained the connection between concentration, willpower, and visualization, and explained how when they are combined scientifically through Yogic Techniques, can produce any change within oneself as well as in one’s life.

This was followed by a guided meditation by Brahmachari Sheelanandaji who took the audience through a process of regulated breathing and visualization to contact the deep peace within themselves. They were also shown how one can expand one’s conscious through deep meditation.

After this, Brahmachariji explained the Healing Technique and requested all to stand up and participate in practicing the technique of sending healing energy to those in need as well as to the whole world.

Next was a question and answer session by Swami Lalitanandaji, in which the participants asked questions, and Swamiji gave answers. The whole program which started at 2:30 pm and finished at 4:00 pm was Webcast by the NTPC to all their sites in the country. Hence a total of 13000 people could view the program live through Video Conferencing.